English Website

hi teacher today i will talk about the english website.

Things I liked :

- I liked that it had a good organization in the sense of how learning progresses, Why? Because it is easier to study the subject, and the information provided is brief and correct.

- I liked that I had two moments to evaluate what I wanted to teach, Why? Because in this way you can compare what you learn without having studied before. 

Things I didn´t liked :

-I didn't like that it didn't highlight the examples more, Why? Because I feel that it is easier to learn from examples than explanations, I would also add a translation of the examples or the option to read what it says in Spanish.

-I didn't like that I didn't have the option to listen to how certain phrases are pronounced, Why? Because I feel that this helps to understand more in the sense that when one speaks English, what one does more is to speak it than to write it.

Would you recommend this website to other English learners? Why?

- I would really recommend it because it is a good place to learn this language.

Do you think you will you visit this website again? Why?

- Yes I would visit this website again, because I consider that it brings together both the explanation and the exercise in one place.

What score would you give it out of 10?

- I would give the website a score of 8 out of 10, because as you can see from the things I liked and didn't like, there are things to improve on the site. 

If i want to learn english, i can visit these websites.


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